Alright, let’s chat about reaching your body goals because obviously you’re here and want to kickstart your health journey.
First off, doing MORE is not going to get you there.
Going to the gym more than your body needs, stepping on the scale every day, more calorie counting and more tracking…this isn’t what your body and mind needs/wants.
What you do need though is…..APPRECIATION
Truth bomb: You’re always picking your body apart, starving it, ignoring it, and over working it than you do appreciating it.
Think of all the years you hurt yourself through negative self talk, and the actions that didn’t nourish your body from the inside out.
But why do you do that? It’s because diet culture and extreme measures are constantly shoved in your face every single day. Whether we are scrolling social or at the check out at the grocery store. I know you read those magazines that say, “Lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks,” and you think, “Can I really lose weight that fast? How do I do that?” But you know deep down it doesn’t work.
I truly believe that the real transformation starts on the inside where we heal those deeper wounds. Because no quick fix diet will ever truly help those wounds. It’ll only hurt you more….
So what do you do now?
You ask yourself what do you want, like truly want, and why do you want it? And I don’t want you to say, “Be thinner so I look better, and I’m finally happy with my body.” You are NOT guaranteed happiness when you get to your body goal. Like I said, it comes from within.
I want you to peel back those onion layers to understand where that desire stems from. Then ask yourself how will you FEEL when you achieve it? What about if you don’t achieve it? Are you okay with living your entire life without experiencing that feeling?
You need to envision it all and journal it because that’s how you get connected to your why.
Catching my drift? Your why is LITERALLY the core…the ROOT.
Before reading on, get a piece of paper and write down your WHY. What’s the whole point of living a health and sustainable life?
Let’s break down some basic physical, nutritional, and self care tips that you can start implementing TODAY so that change can begin to occur.
When it comes to nutrition, start at the basics of nutrients. Your macronutrients (protein, carbs, and fats), and your micronutrients (vitamins and minerals).
Erase all concepts of diets and ignore labeling foods as “good” or “bad.” Ask yourself, “How will my body feel when I eat this?”
Get rid of the idea that you have to count calories or macros to reach your point. Sure, counting has its place, but you don’t have to count forever.
Start with breakfast. Instead of trying to switch everything everywhere in your diet, start with how you serve your body first thing in morning. Opt for a breakfast that is rich in nutrients, contains healthy fats and proteins to keep you full. If you feel good the first part of your day, you’re more likely to feel better physically and mentally. I love to have my PB&J oatmeal with eggs and turkey bacon.
How’s your water intake? I recommend aiming for 2-3 liters per day if you’re someone who’s been lacking in the water department. Water helps to flush toxins, increase energy, aid in digestion, and a host of other benefits. Drink up, hun.
Questions to ask yourself every stage of the meal….
I want you to get rid of the idea that you have to workout twice a day or workout 6 days a week. Besides, who has the energy OR the time to do that anyways? You’ll burn out FAST, and your body will be screaming for rest.
Pick 1 of 3 steps and slowly add to them. You can change them up if you want!
#1: move your body for 5 minutes per day. You can opt for yoga, body weight moves (pull up a beginner workout on my Pinterest and do five minutes. That’s only 35 min in your entire week. I know you can give yourself that.
#2: go for 3 walks that are at least 20 minutes in length. Listen to your favorite kinda music or listen to a Podcast.
#3: do 2 workouts that are 20 minutes in length. You choose the style, but start with where you are at.
You don’t have to start off with 5 workouts a week that are an hour and a half long. If that’s not doable for you, then don’t do it! Start slow and slowly build on that.
Some ideas for you: listen to a Podcast that makes you feel good, read a self-developmental book, take time off from work if you’re working all the time, take a bubble bath, take yourself out on a date, journal, etc
On that note….journaling. I highly recommend journaling out your thoughts. There are journaling prompts you can get off of Pinterest that are great.
Any self reflection and investment in you is a self care tool, and I’m all here for it.
Alright so there you have some pretty easy basics to get you going.
Was this helpful? Let me know <3
Until next time..
Christina <3
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