This is how happy I am about making the decision that changed my life. Scroll to read my story!

Hey, I'm Christina!

I'm a wife, mama of a beautiful baby girl, dog mom of 2, a pharmacist, and an NASM-CPT! In my spare time I love to cook & bake new things, watch Disney movies, and workout.

I wasn't always into health & fitness. It wasn't until I turned 21 that it became apart of who I am. I gained 50 lbs in 2 years, and I struggled keeping it off until I hired my very own fitness coach. This is when I lost 50 lbs and found myself!

All too often I was seeing, "Try this these foods to lose weight....stay away from these foods so you don't gain weight..." and so on. I was tired of having to give up my favorite things in my life to lose weight.

I;m so excited to meet you!

Cutting out your fav foods like pizza, chocolate, alcohol, etc. Cutting out "comfort" foods that you love can lead to binging, restricting, misery, and just overall unhappy with your journey.

Working out too much, and not letting your body rest. We're meant to take rest days. Yes, we make progress even on rest days!

Using only the scale to measure progress. It's important to focus on the nonscale victories, too. Like how your clothes are fitting, being able to walk up a flight of stairs without getting out of breath, not turning the lights off while being intimate with your partner + so much more

This is why I teach women from all over the world on how to live a healthy lifestyle without having to give up their lives doing it. I offer services from personalized coaching, workout guides, and group programs. I want to be able to impact as many lives as I can. The way my Health & Fitness coach did for me <3

Fitness industry rules

I don't agree with....

Fitness myths I don't agree with....

Create the life you can't wait to wake up to.





Red wine





White wine





Fun Fact:

Get to know me!

Choose one:

Coffee or Tea

My husband and I have been together almost 13 years and married for 2 years!

Game time.

This or That


I love to have my tea at night!

I'm from Indiana but have lived in Texas almost my entire life.

This or That

Game time.


I will be a pharmacist in May of 2022.

Choose one:

Morning or night

This or That

Game time.


I'm both! I wake up early because I love getting up when it's nice outside. I love the night time because that's when I get to watch Netflix and cuddle with my hubby and dogs!

I love to travel and would love to travel the world in the years to come.

This or That

Game time.


I'm a Disney fanatic. I've probably watched every Disney movie there is.

Choose one:

Weight lifting or cardio

Game time.

This or That


I have been weight lifting for 6 years now & have never looked back!

My fav kind of night is cozied up on the couch in the winter with a good book.

Game time.

This or That


I want to go sky diving one day.

Choose one:

Mountains or Tropics

Game time.

This or That


I've always wanted to live near the beach. One day that'll come true!

I have 3 dogs that are my babies!

This or That



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